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Biblical Values in the School

On the friday 6th of february, students from second grade of the CBS Chatos Noble College from Colorado spring, USA, came to the school with the purpose of demonstrate and teaching biblical values, also sharing with the community the word and love of God, that was presented through creative plays, songs, and dances, influenced by the communication, understanding and knowledge in the English foreign language

Topics like bullying, testimonials, and God’s effects on life were discussed and analysed during the course of the matter, with the constant participation of the students for the activities to finally get conscious and learn of the really important fact of having a constant conversation and knowledge of God and Jesus Christ.

By Communication Club

1 Comment

Unknown member
Feb 20, 2020

Que este año 2020 este lleno de muchas experiencias significativas y enriquecedoras para toda la comunidad y familia Fontanense .

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